Sandy McLied: Master and Commander
Sandy left school and went straight into working at a coctail stick factory.
He worked his way upto the point inspector, where he had a responsability to ensure all the sticks had a real good prick to them.
Whilst working here Sandy got his firsy computer and realised checking for pricks could make him some more money online. So he started to set up some petitions and asked people to sign them. This service is totally free but as Sandy will tell you he need a lot of money to help him run his computer.
So that was the start of British Thirst.
Saul Balding: Most Senior Under-Manager
Saul once tried very very hard to impress those around him whilst working for a well known, legitimate and well respected organisation. Saul is now the Most Senior Under-Manager of British Thirst.
Saul’s job consists of preparing, researching and cleaning Sandy MacLied’s tea, and tea making facilities. Saul also handles British Thirst’s mobile telecommunications device, and tries to remember what the publications looked like from his old job, so that he can replicate them with a British Thirst Twist.