Monday, 31 October 2011

EMU Referendum

On Monday, we saw the utter contempt that most of our MPs hold us in.
Camoron and his mob of idiots deployed a three lines of whips(kinky devils) to intimidate MPs into voting against the EMU referendum motion.

However, through our effective campaigning and action we helped to spark the biggest ever revolt Camoron and the Converted party has suffered...EVER!
Many MPs even publically admitted that it was due to pressure from constituents via email etc that gave them the courage to defy the whips and make a stand. They bent over and took it all.  10 lashes each.

When his secretary in his constituency office came to work Monday morning they would have been confronted by over 6,000,000 angry emails from our people alone!

We helped to mobilise our supporters and our efforts helped to win over many MPs to the cause - in fact, it has been described as the "biggest backbench rebellion ever" by our friends in the BPC Televion Company.
This is just one example of how to win the long war against the Fools in the EMU.
This fight is far from over - it's only just beginning! We cannot allow these birds to make the choices for our people. They dont even speak the same language as us and are not willing to learn.

So once again can you please send us all your money that you dont have any need for.

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