Sunday, 9 October 2011

Our new members poll

Five in two schizophrenics believe the world is out to kill them, whilst two out of three sufferers of OCD were too busy checking that the windows were shut to answer our poll. the other one in three stating that they will once they’ve finished washing their hands.

Our new members poll proved that we here at British Thirst actually care about our members rather than simply use them for their money
To find out more and see the full results of our members poll. Donate £25 to the cause to receive your FREE copy of the poll results downloadable in word format.


  1. British First are thinking about becoming a political party yet one of their slogans is "if voting changed anything they'd ban it", weird.

  2. "British Thirst" is a respectable political campaigning outfit, with no baggage and nothing to hide. any suggestion that we are hypocrites is just the actions of reds, and damned lies. you're being watched Donna. Our Welsh spy. er representative has eyes everywhere, and knows you alrady.

  3. Please get the name right, is 'British Thirst'...honestly...I despair of the poor reading skills of some people...shame on you
