Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Our new Tent has arrived.

Thank you all for your very generous donations. Our brand new spanking tent has arrived from eGay auctions and we cant wait to put it into use.

We are going to actually "get out there" with a real life campaign, using some real life people.
We are going to show support for the campers who are protesting against St Paul's Cathedral (still can't see how the recession is the churches fault).
So we are going to "occupy the ABC". This is the old cinema that was in East Street in Brighton. We will have collection tins at the ready, for all those lovely people to pop a few bob in for us.

We really need to keep the generous gifts coming in as the money we got from our TV friends at the BPC (British Persecution Company) has nearly run out. We do how ever have some future plans to give them a hand in another mockumentry.
The people who will be camping out have been recommended by the BPC  and are being paid a few pot noodles and some cans of cider.

Pinko Floyd has promised to pop by to give a talk about the Cottage Industry of Brighton in the 60's to keep the lads amused.

So if your passing please make a point of showing some support to Scratchy Smith and Filthy Phil. Please give generously.

1 comment:

  1. Will there be some way of boiling lager as I am somewhat an expert at this and would happily share the experience with anyone who drops by?
